Bid Tabulations


County of Henrico Bid Tabulations




Tabulation 24-2784-11JL02-DEC-2024Henrico Jail West – Main Switch & ATS Replacement
Tabulation 24-2776-11JMH02-DEC-2024School Bus Washing Services
Tabulation 24-2777-11JMH21-NOV-2024Vertical Communications Phone Systems & Parts
Tabulation 24-2746-8LOC18-NOV-2024Commercial Generator Preventive Maintenance and Repair Services
Tabulation 24-2765-10JOK18-NOV-2024Greenwood Court Sewer Phase I
Tabulation 24-2740-8JOK18-NOV-2024Three Lakes Park - New Restroom and Nature Center Site Improvements
Tabulation 24-2771-10JL13-NOV-2024Annual Contract for Concrete and Asphalt Rehabilitation
Tabulation 24-2767-10BJM06-NOV-2024Maintenance Services ENR Tanks 9 & 10
Tabulation 24-2762-10JL05-NOV-2024Planning Department Renovation
Tabulation 24-2756-9JOK30-OCT-2024Old Washington Highway Sewer & Waterline Improvements
Tabulation 24-2752-9JOK28-OCT-2024Westin Estates Sewer Improvements
Tabulation 24-2755-9JLG24-OCT-2024Storm Water Maintenance Service (Vactor) Public Works
Tabulation 24-2751-9JOK23-OCT-2024Tuckahoe Creek Trunk Sewer - Phase II
Tabulation 24-2739-8EAR17-OCT-2024Roof System Replacement Project - Former Bank of America Building
Tabulation 24-2734-8EAR17-OCT-2024Tuckahoe Middle School Auditorium